Journal name,Publisher,ISSN,Year,Volume,Number,StartPage,EndPage,Authors,Title,DOI,IsFrontMatter,IsReview,ReviewedTitle,ReviewedAuthors,URL,Abstract,Keywords
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,2,,Yilmaz[comma]Devrim;Feiner[comma]Susan;McKenzie[comma]Rex;,The Political Economy of the University INC.: Introduction,,0,0,0,0,,,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,6,,Bissonnette[comma]Jean François;Laval[comma]Christian;,Gambling with “Human Capital”: on the Speculative Logic of the “Knowledge Economy”,,0,0,0,0,,The educational and academic fields have not been spared by the neoliberal logic. They indeed became one of its primary targets. Critics of neoliberalism too often neglect this[comma] for they merely see in the latter a doctrine exclusively concerned with ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,18,,Bush[comma]Sasha Breger;McGuffey[comma]Lucy Ware;Robinson[comma]Tony;,Neoliberalism in the Academy: Dispatch from a Public University in Colorado,,0,0,0,0,,Neoliberalism's influence in higher education is broad and deep. We focus on three interrelated dynamics[comma] all manifestations of neoliberalization in higher education: labor flexibilization[comma] bureaucratization[comma] and corporatization. Through these channels[comma] neoliberalization is impacting the nature and quality of the education ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,32,,Guzmán-Concha[comma]César;,Undoing the Neoliberal Higher Education System? Student Protests and the Bachelet Reforms in Chile,,0,0,0,0,,This article focuses on the education reforms of the current government of Michelle Bachelet (Chile[comma] 2014-2018) triggered by the large student protests of 2011 – the “Chilean winter” – and the overwhelming support of the public for the movement's demands. ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,44,,Rikap[comma]Cecilia;,The Corporization of a Public University with Free Undergraduate Education: Endangering Autonomy at the University of Buenos Aires,,0,0,0,0,,In this article we will argue that[comma] despite offering free undergraduate education[comma] the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) has become a market university. As all the other public universities in Argentina[comma] the UBA offers free undergraduate education in all its ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,60,,Wagner[comma]Cathy;Kulbaga[comma]Theresa;Cohen[comma]Jennifer;,Imperial Partitioning in the Neoliberal University,,0,0,0,0,,This paper tells the story of boundaries redrawn within a public university[comma] specifically between the university and its regional campuses[comma] as well as concerned faculty members' attempts to respond and resist[comma] in part through actions taken by a new advocacy ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,2017,8,78,,Sundell[comma]Taavi;Teivainen[comma]Teivo;,Fuzzy Privatization and Decline of Democracy at the University of Helsinki,,0,0,0,0,,Privatization is often used as a self-evident concept[comma] overlapping with corporatization[comma] marketization[comma] commodification and neoliberalization. Our analysis[comma] focusing on changes in the legal status and decision- making procedures at the University of Helsinki[comma] explores the fuzzy nature of privatization. One ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,7,1,,Harvey[comma]John T.;,Worldwide Fiscal Crisis: Fact or Fiction?,,0,0,0,0,,Pundits and policymakers throughout the world are calling for drastic reductions in government budget deficits. Their fear is that the weight of accumulating debt will lead to disaster as it drives up interest rates[comma] causes inflation[comma] and forces defaults. What ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,7,3,,Wray[comma]L. Randall;,Taxes are for Redemption[comma] Not Spending,,0,0,0,0,,Fiscal austerity has become the mantra[comma] the solution to the world's problems. Unemployment and slow growth? More austerity. High interest rates and rising debt ratios? More austerity. Inflation? More austerity. Deflation? More austerity. Budget deficits or trade deficits? More austerity. ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,7,12,,Fullwiler[comma]Scott T.;,The Debt Ratio and Sustainable Macroeconomic Policy,,0,0,0,0,,Neoclassical views on fiscal sustainability are based on several assumptions that are inconsistent with accounting and operational realities of the money system[comma] including dangers of “bond vigilantes” in government debt markets and “printing money” is inherently inflationary. Combining these assumptions ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,7,43,,Mitchell[comma]William;,Eurozone Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale,,0,0,0,0,,This paper is drawn from Mitchell (2015)[comma] which traced the origins of the Eurozone back to the desire in the immediate post-World War II period to end the destructive Franco-German rivalry that had caused several major military conflicts[comma] which culminated ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,7,56,,Moreno-Brid[comma]Juan Carlos;Pérez-Benítez[comma]Noel;Villarreal[comma]Héctor J.;,Austerity in Mexico: Economic Impacts and Unpleasant Choices Ahead,,0,0,0,0,,Mexico has a long history of dealing with austerity as a tool to achieve fiscal consolidation. During the last 40 years[comma] the country has repeatedly implemented programs for austerity and consolidation aimed at reducing fiscal imbalances[comma] derived[comma] in part[comma] from ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,1,,Dow[comma]Sheila;,Ontology and Theory for a Redesign of European Monetary Union,,0,0,0,0,,The Greek debt crisis opened up the policy discourse over Europe to the extent of an unprecedented extent of questioning of the original design of the Eurozone. Such a rethink requires an examination of how the European economy functions and ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,12,,Lucarelli[comma]Stefano;Romano[comma]Roberto;,The Italian Crisis within the European Crisis. The Relevance of the Technological Foreign Constraint,,0,0,0,0,,The debate on the Italian economic crisis in the Euro zone should address a fundamental issue: what is the origin of the decline in productivity that affected the Italian economic system even before the European crisis begun in 2010? We ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,31,,Sawyer[comma]Malcolm;,The Economic and Monetary Union: Past and Present Failures and some Future Possibilities,,0,0,0,0,,The Economic and Monetary Union was constructed on poor foundations which sought to impose inappropriate macroeconomic policies. This construction did not pay heed to the differences between countries with regard to their economic position and interests nor to the institutional ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,44,,Sotiropoulou[comma]Irene;,Solidarity[comma] Grassroots Initiatives and Power Relations,,0,0,0,0,,Although solidarity is not a recent phenomenon[comma] the emergence of new or re-invented forms of production and sharing that are based on that principle[comma] has raised again several burning questions of what solidarity is and how far it can go[comma] ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,60,,Basilien-Gainche[comma]Marie-Laure;,Mediterranean Death Trip – The Mare Internum as the Graveyard of International Obligations,,0,0,0,0,,This article examines the situation of the boat people of Europe. Given that this issue affects some politically sensitive and legally delicate notions[comma] including for example the sovereignty and jurisdiction of States[comma] provisions and scopes of norms[comma] nature and control ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,2016,6,86,,Wunder[comma]Timothy A.;,Setting a Principal to Interest Cap on the Issuance of Home Mortgages: a Proposed Change to Mortgage Underwriting Rules Designed to Control Housing Price Inflation,,0,0,0,0,,Traditionally most home buyers in the US need a mortgage and the current system of mortgage origination creates an incentive for borrowers to offer bids on homes far higher than would be possible without that system. This has inflated home ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,1,,Pereira[comma]Richard;,Universal Basic Income and the Cost Objection: What are we Waiting For?,,0,0,0,0,,Among the most common objections to providing everyone with an unconditional basic income is the cost objection. It states that the cost of providing everyone with a decent income floor[comma] beneath which no one would fall[comma] is out of reach ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,22,,Flamant[comma]Christian;,Again on Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century or Why National Accounts and Three Simple Laws Should not be a Substitute for Economic Theory,,0,0,0,0,,This paper reviews Piketty's book Capital in the 21st Century. Although the facts described by Piketty are widely indisputable[comma] the paper criticizes the actual economic theory underlying the central thesis of the book[comma] and this on two main points: first ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,40,,Ertürk[comma]Korkut Alp;Whittle[comma]Jason;,Climate Change[comma] Procrastination and Asymmetric Power,,0,0,0,0,,This paper argues that policy conclusions of the economics of climate change literature based on “integrated assessment models” (IAM) fails to take into account the intricacies of collective action. Specifically[comma] IAMs do not account for how asymmetric power between developed ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,54,,Wright[comma]Noah;,Data Visualization in Capital in the 21st Century,,0,0,0,0,,This paper examines how data visualization is used to supplement the arguments in Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century. Piketty shows a consistent pattern of modifying his visualizations to provide stronger support for his arguments than his data contains[comma] ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,73,,Putland[comma]Gavin R.;,The Price Cannot be Right: Taxation[comma] Sub-Intrinsic-Value Housing Bubbles[comma] and Financial Instability,,0,0,0,0,,A “general formula” for the rental yield of a property is derived in terms of an exponential appreciation rate[comma] a discount rate[comma] a holding time[comma] and a set of tax parameters[comma] on the hypothesis that prices reflect net present values ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,87,,Milward[comma]Bob;,On the Historical[comma] Moral and Economic Arguments for Asymmetric Trading Regimes: the case of sub-Saharan Africa,,0,0,0,0,,The Least Developed Countries Report 2006 argued that a paradigm shift in national and international policies to promote development and poverty reduction is required because current policies are inadequate and have failed to develop productive capacities in the underdeveloped economies. ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,101,,Standish[comma]Russell K.;Keen[comma]Stephen L.;,Rationality in the Theory of the Firm,,0,0,0,0,,We have previously presented a critique of the standard Marshallian theory of the firm[comma] and developed an alternative formulation that better agreed with the results of simulation. An incorrect mathematical fact was used in our previous presentation. This paper deals ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,107,,Rosnick[comma]David;,Toward an Understanding of Keen and Standish's Theory of the Firm: A Comment,,0,0,0,0,,In a series of papers[comma] Steve Keen and Russell Standish criticize the textbook approaches to firm behavior under conditions of perfect and imperfect competition. These papers misstate the assumptions underlying the models and err in mathematics. The critiques do not ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,124,,Rosnick[comma]David;,Technical Appendix: A Better Response to Keen-Standish “hill climbers”,,0,0,0,0,,,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,5,130,,Standish[comma]Russell K.;Keen[comma]Stephen L.;,Response to David Rosnick's “Toward an Understanding of Keen and Standish's Theory of the Firm: A Comment”,,0,0,0,0,,,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,4,1,,Lindner[comma]Fabian;,Does Saving Increase the Supply of Credit? A Critique of Loanable Funds Theory,,0,0,0,0,,The paper presents a critique of loanable funds theory by using simple accounting relationships and standard excess demand analysis. It is shown that many economists identify saving and the credit supply by interpreting the macroeconomic saving-investment identity as a budget ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,4,27,,Cervellati[comma]Matteo;Fortunato[comma]Piergiuseppe;Sunde[comma]Uwe;,Roots and Fruits of Democracy: Natural Resources[comma] Income Distribution and Social Violence,,0,0,0,0,,This paper proposes the argument that natural resource abundance and large economic inequality[comma] by shaping the interests of different social groups[comma] are key factors for the determination of the transition scenario from authoritarianism to democracy. In turn[comma] the transition scenario[comma] ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,4,43,,Woodward[comma]David;,Incrementum ad Absurdum: Global Growth[comma] Inequality and Poverty Eradication in a Carbon-Constrained World,,0,0,0,0,,The paper seeks to assess the timeframe for eradication of poverty[comma] defined by poverty lines of $1.25 and $5 per person per day at 2005 purchasing power parity[comma] if pre-crisis (1993-2008) patterns of income growth were maintained indefinitely[comma] taking account ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,2015,4,63,,Katzner[comma]Donald W.;,A Neoclassical Curmudgeon Looks at Heterodox Criticisms of Microeconomics,,0,0,0,0,,The purpose of this paper is to open a dialogue with heterodox economists about what[comma] from a neoclassical perspective[comma] is valid in heterodox criticisms of neoclassical microeconomics. Many heterodox criticisms of neoclassical microeconomics are valid to a neoclassicist; but some ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,1,,Galbraith[comma]James K.;Hale[comma]J. Travis;,The Evolution of Economic Inequality in the United States[comma] 1969-2012: Evidence from Data on Inter-industrial Earnings and Inter-regional Incomes,,0,0,0,0,,This paper provides measures of earnings inequality in the United States across economic sectors[comma] measured within states[comma] from 1969 through 2012[comma] and of income inequality across counties[comma] from 1969 through 2007. These measures permit detailed decomposition of changes in inequality[comma] ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,20,,Tomer[comma]John F;,Adverse Childhood Experiences[comma] Poverty[comma] and Inequality: Toward an Understanding of the Connections and the Cures,,0,0,0,0,,Despite Alfred Marshall's early recognition of the importance of mothering[comma] human capital theory scarcely reflects the role of the home environment as a factor influencing the production of human capital. This paper looks deeply into the earliest phase of child ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,37,,Birks[comma]Stuart;,Rethinking Economics: Downs with Traction,,0,0,0,0,,Economic theory has relatively little to say about the policy making process. One exception is Anthony Downs' An Economic Theory of Democracy which considers possible objectives for participants in the political process[comma] and develops propositions on the operation of a ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,53,,Van den Berg[comma]Hendrik;,How the Culture of Economics Stops Economists from Studying Group Behavior and the Development of Social Cultures,,0,0,0,0,,Economic thought evolved over the past two centuries to focus on individual behavior as the basis for all economic activity. Some heterodox economists have pointed to the importance of group behavior and the influence of organizations on economic activity[comma] but ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,69,,Caldentey[comma]Esteban Pérez;Titelman[comma]Daniel;Carvallo[comma]Pablo;,Weak Expansions: A Distinctive Feature of the Business Cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean,,0,0,0,0,,Using two standard cycle methodologies (Classical and Deviation Cycle) and a comprehensive sample of 83 countries worldwide[comma] including all developing regions[comma] we show that the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cycle exhibits two distinctive features. First[comma] and most importantly[comma] its ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,2014,3,90,,Nápoles[comma]Pablo Ruiz;,Macro Policies For Climate Change: Free Market Or State Intervention?,,0,0,0,0,,The central issue studied in this essay is the meaning and implications for public policy of Nicholas Stern's statement that “Climate change is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen” (Stern[comma] 2006). To deal with this issue we analyze ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,1,,Dullien[comma]Sebastian;Fritz[comma]Barbara;Mühlich[comma]Laurissa;,Regional Monetary Cooperation: Lessons from the Euro Crisis for Developing Areas?,,0,0,0,0,,The euro crisis has highlighted the dilemmas of an ambitious regional monetary integration project with limited economic policy cooperation. What lessons can regional monetary cooperation schemes in other world regions draw from this experience? Three aspects of the euro crisis ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,24,,Rasiah[comma]Rajah;Vinanchiarachi[comma]Jebamalai;,Institutional Support and Technological Upgrading: Evidence from Dynamic Clusters in Latin America and Asia,,0,0,0,0,,In light of wide differences in economic outcomes in the world[comma] this paper uses an evolutionary set of lenses to examine the clusters of Buenos Aires' automotive[comma] Los Lagos' salmon[comma] Penang's electronics and Qiaotou's buttons with an elucidating view towards ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,48,,Charron[comma]Jacques-Olivier;,Transacting Without Pricing[comma] Pricing Without Transacting,,0,0,0,0,,The paper argues in favor of a radical disconnection between the exchange function and the valuation function of financial markets. It defends it from an investee's point of view[comma] mainly on the grounds that valuing financial assets is a matter ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,54,,Colombo[comma]Ronald J;,Merit Regulation via the Suitability Rules,,0,0,0,0,,The philosophy underpinning federal securities regulation in the United States is one of disclosure. This has been the case since the inception of federal securities regulation in 1933[comma]2 and continues to be the case with Congress's most recent enactments on ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,67,,Vallageas[comma]Bernard;,Basel III and the Strengthening of Capital Requirement: The obstinacy in mistake or why “it” will happen again,,0,0,0,0,,Since the financial liberalisation of the 80’s[comma] the Basel committee on Banking Supervision wants to strengthen banks' capital and other stable funding with the purpose of increasing banks' financial security[comma] as stable funding increases the security of the non-financial business ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,83,,Schumacher[comma]Reinhard;,Deconstructing the Theory of Comparative Advantage,,0,0,0,0,,This article critically examines the theory of comparative advantage[comma] which underlies the wide-spread support of worldwide trade liberalisations. Both the classical and neoclassical formulations of it are shortly discussed and its essential assumptions are scrutinised. These include the international immobility ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,106,,Kakarot-Handtke[comma]Egmont;,The Emergence of Profit and Interest in the Monetary Circuit,,0,0,0,0,,Efficient progress of the monetary theory of production (MTP) is hampered by an unsatisfactory account of how profit and interest emerge in the monetary circuit. As matter of fact[comma] this question puzzled already the classics. It seems evident that it ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2013,2,118,,Kellecioglu[comma]Deniz;,Book Review: Why Nations fail – the origins of power[comma] prosperity and poverty,,0,0,0,0,,Why nations fail is a compelling contribution to the classic question of why some countries are poor and some rich[comma] but it is also marred from several shortcomings and under-representations[comma] which cast doubts on the positive messages of creating better ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,1,,Hudson[comma]Michael;Bezemer[comma]Dirk;,Incorporating the Rentier Sectors into a Financial Model,,0,0,0,0,,Current macroeconomics ignores the roles that rent[comma] debt and the financial sector play in shaping our economy. We discuss the Classical view on rents and policy responses to the rentier sector in the 19th century. The finance[comma] insurance & real ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,13,,Bateman[comma]Milford;Chang[comma]Ha-Joon;,Microfinance and the Illusion of Development: From Hubris to Nemesis in Thirty Years,,0,0,0,0,,,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,37,,Frenkel[comma]Roberto;Rapetti[comma]Martin;,External Fragility or Deindustrialization: What is the Main Threat to Latin American Countries in the 2010s?,,0,0,0,0,,In this paper we evaluate whether the surge of capital inflows to Latin American countries after the 2007-08 global financial crisis poses a threat for these economies. Recent IMF's documents have warned that capital inflows could lead to boom-and-bust cycles ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,57,,Rosnick[comma]David;Baker[comma]Dean;,Pension Liabilities: Fear Tactics and Serious Policy,,0,0,0,0,,There is major national debate over the funding status of state and local pension funds. Many economists have argued that pension funds are being overly optimistic in assuming that pensions will be able to get 8 percent nominal returns on ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,76,,Tomer[comma]John F;,Brain Physiology[comma] Egoistic and Empathic Motivation[comma] and Brain Plasticity: Toward a More Human Economics,,0,0,0,0,,The brain physiology research of leading evolutionary neuroscientist[comma] Paul MacLean[comma] has important implications for human economic motivation. Gerald Cory in his research has admirably utilized MacLean's findings and has persuasively explained that humans have two dominant motivations: 1) ego or ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,91,,Kadri[comma]Ali;,Revisiting Arab Socialism,,0,0,0,0,,The class in charge of development under Arab socialism was an alliance of the military with intermediate classes. Intermediate classes are sections of the working class differentiated by skill[comma] higher income or occupation. In this relationship[comma] the army held sway[comma] ...,
World Social and Economic Review,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,2012,1,114,,Amsden[comma]Alice H;,Grass Roots War on Poverty,,0,0,0,0,,Sub-Saharan Africa's failure to slay the dragon of poverty is due to a logical flaw in its policies: the remedies to reduce poverty don't address the causes. Poverty is caused by unemployment[comma] owing to a scarcity of jobs that pay ...,