About the World Social and Economic Review

Statement of Purpose by New Managing Editors


We would like to take this opportunity to thank outgoing editor John Harvey for all the very hard work that he has put into this journal. It is deeply appreciated by all at WEA. What we hope will happen next builds on the foundation that John (and others) laid down before we (Devrim Yilmaz, Susan Feiner and Rex McKenzie) became managing editors.

We are academic economists by profession and importantly we are pluralist oriented (as opposed to mainstream) economists. We aim to encourage and promote an economics that is informed by insights from social sciences, humanities and popular cultures. In our view orthodox/mainstream economics is a narrow and closed discipline existing within the social sciences but all-together separated and isolated from all the other disciplines (anthropology, political science, criminology, sociology, etc.). It is another step removed from the humanities particularly history and philosophy. We want to redress some of this balance, thus this journal aims to integrate understandings from other disciplines into a more coherent interdisciplinary economics rooted in the political economy traditions of the great moral philosophers.

To that end we seek to publish invited contributions from across all disciplinary fields that engage with key social and economic questions. We aim to take the journal in an interdisciplinary direction while continuing the focus on new and emerging policy issues. Reflecting this new orientation we’ve renamed World Economic Review – Contemporary Policy Issues—to World Social and Economic Review of Contemporary Policy Issues. Name change aside, we continue to be an open access, invited authors, peer reviewed journal.

Managing Editors

  • Devrim Yilmaz, Kingston University, London, England;
  • Susan Feiner, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME., USA;
  • Rex McKenzie, Kingston University, London, England.